Saturday, April 22, 2017

Entitled or Entrusted?

But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Luke 12:48

After workouts this morning I had a few minutes to talk with my offensive lineman. I have had something on my mind for a few weeks and this time alone with my guys gave me an opportunity to share it with them. Hopefully it will help them as they continue preparing for the season and also help you today. Hoover High School has been very successful in many areas with the most well known being the football field. It is human nature sometimes to be a part of a successful organization and just wait for it to take care of you. People begin to think about the benefits they will receive or the recognition and fame they will get if they just quietly blend in with all the others. They get the idea that all is perfect and they simply need to stay out of the way and let all the benefits fall into place. I worry about my football players getting this attitude about Hoover Football. I believe some of them think too much about what football can do for them instead of what they can do for their team and school. They have grown up in the town, waited to be a Buc, become a senior, and they can sit back and enjoy. They can easily feel entitled to the rewards of other’s hard work. They begin to think that our school and football team are a benefit entitled to them and not a blessing that has been entrusted to them. This morning I warned them about developing an attitude of entitlement. I encouraged them to see the younger players, not as little boys to pick on, but as young men entrusted to them to model the behavior we expect. I encouraged them to not sit back and complain about an area of our program they may not like, but to find a way to change it for the better. I mainly wanted to remind them they have been entrusted with a tradition and the responsibility of carrying on that tradition sits squarely on their shoulders. They have been entrusted with much so much more will be asked of them.

Maybe we get this same attitude sometimes as Christians too. We have lived most of our lives as a Christian, have received the blessings of His goodness, but begin to believe these are owed to us. I forget that He did not just bless me with amazing parents but has entrusted their care to me. He has blessed me with a wonderful wife and children and has entrusted their care and spiritual leadership to me. He has blessed me with a job doing what I love and has entrusted me with many young boys who need direction in their lives. I have been entrusted with all these blessings in my life and not simply entitled to them. When I view each blessing as something I have been entrusted with, and not something I am entitled to, I see them all very differently. He has given much to us and much will be demanded. He has also entrusted us with many blessings and much more will be asked of us. I prayed today that we would see the people in our lives as blessings entrusted to us and not just a blessing that we deserve.


1 comment:

  1. Believers are entrusted with much! Thank you for your spiritual leadership and for teaching His Word to these boys/men who may reflect your boldness for the Lord! Blessings always,~Ann Kramer
    Grandmother of Jesse Kelley


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