Thursday, April 8, 2021

Be Still!

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.  Mark 4:39

I have to stop listening to the news because I get frustrated with the foolish ideas and thoughts that we hear from so many people.  There are so many topics that are twisted to fit what someone wants us to believe and the fake anger that we see about issues is getting out of control.  I keep having the thought that, as a society, we are going backwards.  I know I can sometimes seem like a negative person but I hope you will see my positivity about the world we live in today.  Not positive like, “I am positive these people are stupid”, but positive that God has always been in control and will continue to be until His Son returns for us.

As a country, many people of all colors and nationalities have worked to overcome the racial hatred that has existed in our world since the beginning of time.  Anyone who has those beliefs is simply ignorant.  It is certainly not my place to judge another, and I have plenty of areas of my life that need correcting.  But, I do not believe a person can have a relationship with the Creator of all life if he or she does not believe that He created all life.  It often seems like we are headed back to a time where, if you listen to the news, one man hates another because of the color of his skin, where he lives, or what he believes.  These beliefs are as equally wrong today as they were 100 years ago.  Why do we not see the ignorance in our own thoughts?  Have we become so educated, rich, or out of touch that we believe everything we think?  Or, have we become so ignorant, poor in character, or distanced from reality that we believe everything someone else thinks? 

Jamie and I have been at the beach for the last couple of days and it always reminds me that we are never in control.  Yesterday a storm came through the area and I was amazed at the size of the waves and the strength of the wind.  This morning I walked to the beach and was amazed at how calm the ocean was only a few hours later.  Most of all it reminds me that what seems out of control to us is being easily controlled by our Heavenly Father.  Not only did He create the mighty oceans of the world and all that lives within them, but He, with only a word, can calm the waves.  If He can control the wind and waves of something that can so easily destroy us, how much easier is it for Him to control my simple life.  The ocean reminds me that He is always in control of everything.  He already knows the good that He has blessed me with but He also knows the stormy days that may be ahead and is also preparing me for those.

I have to be reminded that He is in control and needs me to trust Him.  He knows that our world is and will continue to be filled with lost people with sinful beliefs.  The positive part that I want you to see is that He knew today would happen long before we existed.  He knew the storm would blow across the ocean last night and He knew the waters and wind would be calm this morning.  He needs me to trust Him regardless of the craziness I hear on the news. He has an amazing plan for you that will include many lost people who need to see Him through you.  He needs us all to remember that we are a vital part of His plan and to trust that He already knows the storms that are coming and the calm days that will follow.

We can rest in the assurance that He knew exactly what our world would be like today.  He knew who would be here, the issues we are facing, and that our world would still be full of lost people.  He also knew that we would all be here.  He knew we would have locker rooms full of young men who need a coach to care for and guide them.  He knew there would be classrooms full of small children who need a teacher who cares for them far beyond the daily lessons.  He knew there would be a community whose members often depend on a sport to add excitement to their days and guidance for their sons.  He also knew a simple “football family” would be in a position to influence that community far past the stadium and Friday nights.  He also knew there would be a head coach and his wife who want to have an influence far beyond a single season, but will certainly need His guidance.  

I have to remind myself, especially on those days when I have listened to far too much news, that He knew today was coming and, most importantly, knew that we would all be here.  The Creator of the world, who can calm the mighty oceans, also knows I am sitting at my desk writing a letter to all of you guys at this exact moment in time.

Love you guys!

He's Here, He's Perfect!

  April 9, 2023   Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you wi...