Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Start at Zero

God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. Acts 15:8

When Jamie and I met in college we had an immediate connection although our personalities were, and still are, very different. Jamie wears her feelings and emotions on her shoulders for all to see while mine are inside eating a hole in my stomach. Jamie is never afraid to be loud when encouraging her favorite team or when she notices something that is wrong. If a huge stadium was filled with me on a Saturday in the Fall you would only hear a little bit of clapping and maybe the occasional, “Good job”. Jamie and I met in the spring of 1989 and knew very little about each other and certainly did not know each others friends. Soon after we had begun dating I was approached by another student, who I did not know, that wanted to talk to me about Jamie. I remember I was walking past a dorm and a girl yelled to me from the window of a first floor dorm room. She seemed friendly but I wondered why she was yelling to me from inside a male dorm. Samford University certainly did not allow girls in the boy’s dorm rooms. I walked over and she began to tell me why she believed Jamie and I were wrong for each other. She went on to explain to me that our personalities were opposite and our relationship would never work. I guess we could say she was wrong because on this past April 1st I have known Jamie as my girlfriend or wife for the past 28 years. I never knew why this girl felt the need to correct my life or choose my girlfriend but I am glad I did not listen. Probably helped that she was hanging out of a window in a boy’s dorm but I don’t think I would have listened anyway!

I believe we often let another person’s opinion of someone influence our opinion. We may have met a new person, enjoyed their company, but listened to someone else’s negative opinion and decided to stay away. As a teacher and coach I have to be careful to not make up my mind about a student or player’s character based only on another teacher’s opinion. That is not fair to the student, the player, or to myself. We should all, whether meeting a new friend, a student, a player, or a co-worker begin our opinions at the moment we meet and not from other’s opinions of past events. We should start at zero! We let other people cloud our judgement about a new friend instead of remembering that we all have a past and we all need a friend.

I am thankful that God starts with us at zero. He knows everything about us and yet He still loves us and accepts us, scars and all. What if we told Him we believe in Him, loved Him, and trusted our life to Him but He listened to other’s opinions before He decided. He knows all there is to know about us but still welcomes us. He does not treat the early part of our relationship with Him as a probationary period but rather He gives us full membership. I prayed today to accept people as they are at the moment we meet regardless of the talk I have heard from another person. I may occasionally be let down by a new friend but I believe, in most cases, I will find a friend for life who loves me because I accepted them just as they are at that moment, the way God accepted me.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Rejoice always

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1st Thessalonians 5:18

One of the aspects of my job that I actually enjoy, but is the most exhausting, is how quickly the circumstances can change.  A quiet day with few things to worry about can be suddenly changed with an emergency with a student.  All can be calm with my team and then a sudden piece of unfortunate information can totally change the feeling of the day, and my attitude.  I am sure you are faced with circumstances that can so easily change your attitude, your temper, your trust in a friend, or your feelings toward the world in which we live.  Circumstances are constantly changing, but how we respond to them is what makes all the difference in our attitude and happiness.  There is an old saying that makes my point. “The same boiling water that softens the potato, hardens the egg”. Think about that for a minute!

How a person deals with the ever changing circumstances of life says a lot about their personal toughness and, most importantly, their faith in God.  Throughout this week, my personal circumstances have changed from happy, to frustrated, to happy again, to really frustrated.  Maybe that is why we are told in 1st Thessalonians 5:18 to rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks.  He knows our circumstances are constantly changing and only through prayer, faith, and rejoicing in our blessings can we remain content.  In Philippians 4:12, Paul says, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want”.  Paul learned to have faith that every circumstance, whether good or bad, was designed by God and fits perfectly within the will He had planned for his life.  God has also shown us the secret to being content.  Having faith in His promise to never leave us or forsake us and to be with us until the end of time, regardless of the circumstances we face.

Pray continually when faced with good or bad circumstances and ask God to show you how to be content with both. And don’t forget to rejoice always because we have so much to be thankful for.


Monday, May 22, 2017


He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets. Matthew 12:19

This will probably sound like I am being an old man or old fashioned but, have you noticed in today’s world a person does not have to be right anymore?  Instead, they just have to be the loudest.  We all probably noticed this during the latest political campaigns and it is on display every night on the national news.  People no longer discuss a disagreement, listen, or even argue over a topic with respect.  If one person is absolutely correct about an issue, the other person can just be louder and drown out the correct voice.  I see this in school sometimes also.  When two students have had a disagreement and are called together to discuss the problem there is always one student who will speak the loudest and be the most dramatic.  Young people have not figured this out yet, but the loudest is usually the guilty person.  Be loud, dramatic, and boisterous and you will convince your audience that you are correct.  That does not mean we should not be passionate about our beliefs, feelings, or our stance on an issue.  I have also learned, as a coach, I do not have to be the loudest.  I can talk in an intense or stern way and players will sense that a topic or situation is important to me.  They would hear me if I was loud but they will listen if they know I am right and I care about their success.

If two people are discussing a topic, and one is correct and the other is wrong, the wrong person can simply talk much louder, drown out the other, and the crowd may even begin to believe the loudmouth.  Throughout scripture Jesus is loud on occasion but it is always to point people to His Father and others are loud when they are calling out to Him for mercy.  But we also read in Mark 15:14 as Pilate asks the crowd, “What crime has He committed?” but the crowd shouted all the louder, “Crucify Him!”.  The crowd was wrong but they shouted louder until everyone began to follow.

Don’t always listen to the loudest and remember that God still speaks to us in a still and quiet voice.  In Matthew 12:19 the prophet Isaiah is being quoted when he says, “He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear His voice in the streets”.  We will not hear His voice over the loudspeaker but we can hear His voice in our hearts and minds if we listen. It is His voice that reminds you that you are not alone, even when you are by yourself.  It is His quiet voice that gives you the words to say to a friend who is experiencing a difficult time, and it His voice that can still be heard over all the other loud voices of this world.


Friday, May 19, 2017

What are you all about?

Proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance. Acts 28:31

There are many aspects to my job but, when you narrow it down, it is all about a ball.  A $75 piece of leather, filled with air, that men work endless hours for, young boys become famous for running with, and cry over when they can no longer hold it.  For the offensive line, their main job is protecting their teammates who are holding the ball.  Really a simple idea when you think about it.  The quarterback, running back, and wide receivers are responsible for protecting it like it is made of gold.  John Heisman, the most famous football coach of all time, once said to his team, “Gentlemen, it is better to have died as a small boy than to fumble this ball”.  A little extreme, but just a little!  And of course, it would be much easier if those defensive guys did not want it so bad.  Our job as coaches and players is all about the ball.  Hold it high and tight, hand if off, run it, throw it, intercept it, get it across a line, and snap it.  It’s all about the ball!

What are you all about?  What am I all about?  Are we all about selfishly getting what we “deserve” or making it to the top regardless of who we hurt?  Are we all about making a huge amount of money, but never having any self worth?  Are we all about tearing down others with gossip and prying into other’s business?  Are we all about being recognized for doing good and being told how awesome we are by the world?  Are we all about pretending to know Him, while living as the world lives?  Or are we all about helping a friend, family member, teammate, or co-worker get what they need?  Do we have faith that God will provide what we need and are thankful for the blessings He pours on us daily?  Are we all about building others up with our words and the way we treat them with respect?  Are we all about doing good and not allowing the world to know so we can receive our reward in heaven?  And are we all about praising our Savior daily, living a life that honors Him, and proclaiming His kingdom with boldness?

Be all about our earthly passions but be ALL about Him. I am working on it and I pray that you are also.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Beware of earthly praise

So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. Matthew 6:2

I was listening to a radio talk show a few days ago and the speaker made a statement that I initially agreed with, but the more I thought about his words, I believe he is wrong.  He said, “When we stop honoring heroes, our country will no longer have any heroes to honor”.  I have not had the opportunity to perform many heroic acts in my life but I think I know the type of person it takes to be a hero, and you probably do also.  I don’t believe any of the people who have sacrificed their life to save another, performed an act of heroism to protect a stranger, or who gave totally of themselves for their country ever did so with the intention of becoming, “heroic”.  I think we will always have those people in our world.  The ones who, without thought to personal safety, immediately run into harm’s way to save another person.  I was in a large meeting a while back and had the pleasure of hearing a young man speak to the crowd.  This young man was in an automobile accident last year and was severely burned over most of his body.  He has endured many operations and rehabilitation to even be able to speak to the crowd of teachers.  He described the actions of the man who suddenly appeared beside the burning car to help pull him to safety.  What stood out to me was that he never said the man’s name and the man does not want to be known for what he did.  I cannot speak for the brave man that jumped into action on the night of the accident but, I bet he did not see the burning car, consider whether or not he would be considered a hero and weigh his options.  He saw a desperate need and he acted immediately.  He saved the young man's life because he did not consider the possible dangers to himself.  Had he hesitated, trying to decide if he was brave enough, waiting on the news cameras or considering a possible book deal, this amazing young man would not be with us today to share his testimony.

I think the people who are true heroes, who run into dangerous situations without considering the threat to their personal safety will always be with us.  They will continue to be the nameless people who daily help a person in need, give of themselves for a friend or stranger, and go about their quiet lives without telling anyone.  The people who are looking for honor are not true heroes to begin with.  They are opportunists looking for a way to become famous.

Matthew 6:2 is talking about giving money to the needy and warns us to not perform acts such as this for earthly recognition.  I believe this verse can be applied to other areas of our lives as well.  It is frustrating at times when we are not recognized for the good in our lives.  Maybe it is a kind gesture that is taken the wrong way by another or it is a great idea that others, who had very little involvement, receive all the credit.  God tells us to do these things without the world knowing. To care for a friend, a stranger, a classmate or teammate, or co-worker while keeping the good deed just between ourselves and the person we helped. Although the earthly praise can sometimes make us look good to the world, we are missing the reward that God will have for us one day when we enter into His Kingdom. A reward that is much better than a pat on the back, an article in the paper, or a plaque on a wall. Our good deeds on earth are forgotten just moments after they are done, but our good deeds for one of God’s children are remembered for eternity.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Paul's writings

Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone. At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self-condemned. Titus 3:3-11

I think to myself sometimes, why do I write? There are several reasons. One is because I am just like my mom and cannot always say the words that are in my head. Another is because it gives me an opportunity to really think. With the crazy life of a football coach, it helps me to take a few minutes and just think. Most of all, I write because we are all in different stages of our lives with many challenges. I hope I am helping and encouraging you because I know it encourages me when I get a note from a family member or someone special in my life. I have an envelope in my dresser drawer at home with a few notes from my Granny and my mother. I remember one letter from my mom that was written during the first August that I was playing football at Samford. I often pull the old letter out to read it and it encourages me still, 25 years later.

In the verses above, Paul is writing to encourage and teach Titus. Paul had left Titus on the island of Crete to continue the work of the Lord and his letter was teaching him how to act as a Christian, how to teach others to act, and how to deal with the non-believers living on the island. The people on the island, the Cretans, were considered an angry group of people with bad character. They were living under the authority of the violent Roman Empire and were constantly fighting against the rulers. Even today a bad person is sometimes referred to as a “Cretan”. Paul knew that Titus would encounter many non-believers during his time on the island and his work would be very difficult. He was reminding Titus of how a Christian should live in a world controlled by non-believers. He directs Titus to obey the government and to avoid political disputes, and to be a gentle and humble citizen. He also reminds Titus to be careful to not insult people but to live as an example of a kind, but strong, Jesus. He warned Titus about becoming involved in arguments that would cause division among the Christians and about becoming involved with wicked people. He tells Titus to warn the wicked person once or twice, but if he refuses to change, avoid him.

The letter to Titus was meant as a guide through the difficult times that would come and also as encouragement. I imagine Titus read the letter many times, especially during those days when he felt as though the entire group of people was against him. The letter may have also helped correct Titus when he was becoming angry or was tempted to act in a manner that was unpleasing to God. I know my letter from my mom encouraged me during two-a-days in 1988 and it still encourages me today. It also reminds me of how much she loves me and expects from me.

Hopefully, these blog writings will encourage you as you go throughout your day with some of the “Cretans” in your life. Also, I pray that God continues to help me live the life that I portray in my writing. Paul could only write to Titus and give instructions if he was living the example that he expected of Titus.

Pray each day to be an example of Jesus in your words, actions, and thoughts.


Monday, May 8, 2017


For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 
Romans 1:20

When I read verse 20 of Romans 1, I am always reminded that God shows us His power every day. The continual rising and setting of the sun, the bright moon and stars at night, and the power of the oceans are reminders of the awesome God that created everything we see. I like living in this part of the country because we get to see four different seasons. The colors of the trees in the fall remind us that winter is coming but the blooms on the trees show us that the cold weather is over and the hot days of summer are coming soon. I like the fall the best for several reasons. Mostly because it is football season but also because I love to see the trees change colors. I am usually sick of the hot weather by this time so it is a welcome relief to know that cool weather is on its way. God amazes us every day with the beauty and the diversity of nature. I was reading an article last week that said astronomers had discovered possibly hundreds of new planets far beyond where we could travel to in a life time. I walk outside at night a lot and I am always amazed at the stars in the sky and it is only a small picture of the huge universe. We should all take a few nights and just walk out and look up for a while.  My son probably remembers climbing on the roof of our old house and lying on a blanket to look at the stars. I sometimes wish we still had a house with a flat roof.

The verses from Romans tell us, that even if we never heard the name of God, His power is clearly visible all around us. So, even on those mornings when we wish the sun would stay down a little longer, God is reminding us of His power and presence. The changing of the seasons reminds me that He created everything I see and just as I am getting tired of one season, He sends another to refresh me. He also says, with the evidence of His existence around us, there is no excuse for not knowing and believing in Him.

During our busy days please take a few minutes each day and look around. See all that He has created and let it remind you that He is with you all the time.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Whole Armor of God

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. Ephesians 6:10-17

I have spent the past week or so giving helmets to the players for spring training. There are about 270 football players and I want each one of them to be in a safe helmet that fits properly. I make the process much more difficult than it has to be, but I do not want to have a young man be injured because I did not take the time to make sure his helmet fit properly and he was as protected as possible. The parents trust us to protect their sons while they are playing football and I never want to take the job of issuing helmets lightly. does drive me crazy! I was reading the verses from Ephesians 6 and it made me think about the protection of a properly fitted football helmet and the protection God gives us from Satan. In the verses, God is teaching us how to protect ourselves from the evil powers that exist in this world. He tells us that we must put on this armor everyday so we will be able to withstand the attacks of Satan. It is interesting that He leaves no part of our bodies unprotected. A helmet of salvation for our heads, a breastplate of righteousness for our hearts, a belt of truth, shoes for our feet, a shield, and a sword. The most expensive, well designed, and properly fitted helmet cannot protect a player from all injuries. There are some injuries that just cannot be prevented in football, but God provides us with protection that can withstand the hardest hit, the fiercest blow, and the knock-out shot. We have to be on guard at all times and constantly ask for His guidance in all areas of our lives. If we neglect even one piece of the armor, or do not properly maintain the equipment, Satan will find the soft area and attack us. Be on guard at all times and pray for God’s protection. Pray especially for spiritual protection. 

As I was writing I thought, "what else gives me protection from the “evil one”? Jamie’s love for me and her devotion to me as her husband protects me from many evils in this world. She has high expectations and she loves me more than she should, but it protects me from the evils that can enter a man’s life. Being William and Sydney’s father is the best job in the world and I never want to let them down. I want William to learn about being a godly man from me and I want Sydney to learn how a young man should treat her from me. This also protects me from the evil and foolish decisions that many men make in this world. I hope I provide more than just physical protection for my family. There is no doubt in my mind that I would run into a dangerous situation to protect them but I also pray that I am protecting them emotionally and spiritually.

Pray today and ask God to outfit you with the perfectly fitted armor that only He can provide. He never tells us that it will scare Satan away. Instead, Satan will probably attack you even more because of the witness you will be to your friends, teammates and co-workers. God does promise to give us the proper equipment and now it is up to us to use it. 


He's Here, He's Perfect!

  April 9, 2023   Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you wi...