Sunday, April 30, 2017


You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh? Galatians 3:1-3

One of the most difficult jobs of an offensive line coach is to train your guys to finish.  Being able to finish a workout, a drill, a play, or a game requires being physically conditioned, understanding your job, and having a nasty attitude sometimes.  With most guys, I have to constantly do drills and point out when they did not finish a play.  Many times, as we are watching film, I will see an offensive lineman start a play perfectly.  He will have great steps, really good pad level, and a good punch.  He starts exactly the way I want him to, but something happens during the 3-4 seconds of the play.  He loses the technique that made him successful at the start of the play and worst of all he loses the intensity that gave him a good start.  The defensive player will get away from his block and make the tackle.  If the offensive lineman had only finished the play our team would have been successful.  Instead of celebrating a great block and a touchdown, we are listening to the defense celebrate.  All he had to do was finish in the same strong way he had started.

In the verses above Paul is writing to the Galatians.  They had started out strong in their faith and believed in the saving power of Jesus because of what they had witnessed and heard about.  They were spreading God’s word and living lives that were pleasing to Him.  As time had passed, and they probably faced many difficulties, they began to become more concerned with following the Jewish laws.  They were losing focus on what had saved them and had begun to think they could do it their own way.  They had been saved by the power of Jesus and not because they were following the laws.  As Paul says to the Galatians, “After beginning by means of the spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh”? 

As Christians we sometimes have the same attitude.  We were saved and we started out strong.  We did all the fundamentals correctly.  We read our bible, we prayed, and we were excited about what God was doing in our lives.  But as time passed and the excitement wore off, we began to forget the fundamentals.  As we were faced with difficulties we tried to handle them on our own instead of trusting in the God who had protected us and provided for us for so long.

We have all been given many blessings and I pray that you (me) would all refocus on the fundamentals.  Lord, please help us to regain our intensity toward Christ; that we will allow Him to make a difference in our lives and in the lives of the people we meet.  

Coach Eads

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