Monday, August 21, 2017

Yoked together

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”  Matthew 18:20

There is a story that gets used by football coaches to explain the importance of working together as a team. I do not know if it is true but it makes a good point. The story is told that there was a contest in a small village in Canada to determine which farmer owned the strongest ox. The winning ox was found to be able to pull 8,000 pounds by itself and the second place finisher pulled just slightly less. The people in attendance were asked to place bets on the amount of weight the two oxen could pull if yoked together. Most of the people who placed bets put their money on 16,000 pounds assuming that each oxen would pull the same 8,000 pounds he was able to pull alone. However, when the oxen were yoked together they easily pulled the 16,000 pounds. As more weight was added the crowd was amazed as they watched the two oxen pull over 26,000 pounds together. Again, I don’t know if the story is true or even partially true but it makes a good point. For a football team we are much better when we are all pulling in the same direction and pulling our share of the heavy load. If a member of the team decides to pull in the opposing direction the team is not as strong. That team member may even begin to convince others to pull with him instead of with the team causing them to be even more weak. A team of people, regardless of their individual talent, can achieve great heights if all are pulling for each other and in the same direction. We are all also much stronger when a family member or friend comes along and pulls with us. What makes this happen? How, when someone helps us with a problem are we each able to perform at a level that is much more than double our level if alone? Also, if we are faced with a tragedy in our life or if dealing with a difficult problem, we are always able to overcome the challenge with a family member or trusted friend by our side.

Our christian walk is much the same. I can study my bible, search for ways to serve, and pray daily but I am not as strong alone as I am with a fellow christian. As a parent I can provide an income, buy the necessities, and care for my children alone but I am doubly good with my wife by my side, pulling in the same direction. Whether we are praying for an opportunity, healing of a friend, safety of a child, or the saving of a lost family member our prayers are much stronger if we gather together and pray. Just like the ox, when yoked together with another, becomes many times more powerful than alone, we will also gain strength from a spouse, parent, child, or friend who joins together with us to pray.


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