Friday, September 15, 2017

Nothing's Impossible

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  Matthew 19:26

“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day”. Winnie the Pooh

My daughter had a project to do a while ago and needed Winnie the Pooh quotes. Pooh has always been one of my favorite characters so I started looking for quotes from one of my heroes and liked the one above. I remember going to Disney World when my children were little and we always had to see Pooh Bear. I never let it show but I would be as excited as they were about seeing him. Pooh is great because he sees everything differently than all the others around him and was always positive that the very best would always work out and the best in people would always show through.

As humans we often allow the world to tell us what is possible and what is impossible. In sports we allow the world to tell us that we are too small, too short, too slow, or not tough enough. In school we allow the world to tell us that we do not fit with a certain crowd because we do not wear the same clothes or drive the same car.  As I have gotten older and developed more opinions I look at the problems of society and think it is impossible to change. How do we change the attitude of a person with racist beliefs? How do we change a young person who has grown up learning it is ok to steal? How do we change a person with a heart that is so hardened that he or she feels no emotion toward another? After reading Matthew 19:26 I thought to myself, I cannot change them. It is impossible for me to change people but I can be used by God to help Him make a change. I can be a person that treats people of a different color with the respect they deserve and I can model a life of respect and trust of others. I can have high expectations of the young people around me and hold them to a higher standard than the world and I can have empathy for the hurting people around me. It is impossible for me to change a person’s heart but God is able to make changes in their lives that will last for eternity.

The world we live in tells us that many things are impossible because of our level of education, our family background, or the mistakes we have made. God does not care about those things and will use us if we are willing. I prayed today for you guys to allow God to do the impossible in your lives. He has great plans for each of you. Plans for a great future, plans to change a small piece of the world, and plans for eternity with Him.


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