Friday, September 1, 2017


They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty— and I will meditate on your wonderful works. Psalm 145:5

My parents are on a trip to the beach today to visit some family members. My mother sent a text to me around ten o’clock to tell me where they were, they had stopped for breakfast, and what singer’s CD was in the player. At the end of the text was the word, “Wox”. I think she intended to text the word, “Wow”, but on her 1980’s flip phone she must have hit the wrong button! I had a good time with my new word today.

I have looked back at the text several times today and I realized something about her and the text. Only my mom would use the word, “Wow, or Wox” to describe breakfast on the outskirts of a small town in what I am sure is a hole in the wall restaurant!  Like most people, I think my mother is awesome but how has she been able to grow older but still keep a “childlike” sense of amazement? And, why do I let the exciting parts of my life become routine? I think it may be because she has never lost her love for her Lord and Savior who makes even the most routine events possible. She knows He is in control of the “big” events, but He is also present and making the “small” things happen too. I believe she has never lost the joy of seeing another place, meeting different people, and just being alive. Maybe she has never grown tired of seeing God’s creation, even if it is along the interstate in the middle of south Alabama.

I believe many people form a habit of looking for bad in everything instead of looking for the good, even if the good is actually all around them. I know I am guilty of this and you probably are too!

I prayed today and asked God to lift my head up from the concerns in my life, open my eyes, and let me see the splendor of His majestic works. I also prayed that, even during the middle of a busy life, I would also see all that He has created. Maybe you will see something today that makes you say, “Wox”.


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